For today’s crossword, we will be dealing with a crossword puzzle called Guardian Quick that you will learn from the below content.
When one starts to play Crosswords only, they will understand how important crosswords are as a game and for knowing new facts. In crossword puzzles. We are given new kinds of crossword clues daily, so you will only be getting to know new things and improving yourself. These clues which you get may be on any of the topics, which you might know or even not know. But, this will help your thinking skills gradually, if you play the game daily.
Whiny (9)
Whiny leads us to the word QUERULOUS, which describes someone who is constantly complaining or expressing dissatisfaction. This word encapsulates the behavior of someone who tends to be excessively whiny.
Average – unpleasant (4)
Average – unpleasant clues us to MEAN, which denotes something that is neither particularly good nor particularly bad but is rather unpleasant or unkind. It succinctly captures the notion of something being mediocre or unpleasant.
Challenge the accuracy of (8)
Challenge the accuracy of directs us to QUESTION, which means to doubt or dispute the accuracy or validity of something. This term reflects the act of scrutinizing or probing for accuracy or truth.
Recoils in fear (6)
Recoils in fear (6) hints at QUAILS, which refers to the action of shrinking back or cowering in fear. It vividly portrays the physical and emotional response of someone who is afraid.
E.g. Toy Story 2 or The Matrix Reloaded (6)
E.g. Toy Story 2 or The Matrix Reloaded clues us to SEQUEL, indicating a follow-up installment to a previously released film. This word encapsulates the concept of a subsequent movie in a series or franchise.
Declutter (4,2)
Declutter prompts us to find a term describing the action of organizing and tidying up a space. In a swift motion, items are sorted and arranged neatly, leading us to the answer TIDYUP.
Q in the Nato alphabet (6)
Q in the Nato alphabet directs attention to the specific letter represented by Q within the NATO phonetic alphabet. This letter stands for QUEBEC, denoting its pronunciation and use in communication.
Complicated situation (8)
Complicated situation suggests a scenario fraught with difficulty and complexity. It’s akin to navigating through a metaphorical swamp, hence the term QUAGMIRE aptly describes this challenging circumstance.
What thieves do – what policemen do to thieves (4)
What thieves do – what policemen do to thieves juxtaposes the actions of criminals with those of law enforcement. Thieves NICK or steal, while policemen apprehend or NICK them, completing the circle of law and order.
March – ballroom dance (9)
March – ballroom dance draws a distinction between a rhythmic procession and a lively dance. The term QUICKSTEP captures the brisk and lively movements associated with both marching and ballroom dancing.
Amount (8)
Amount suggests seeking a term synonymous with quantity, leading to the answer QUANTITY. This word encapsulates the idea of a specified numerical value or measurement, applicable in various contexts ranging from mathematics to economics.
Basra natives, e.g. (6)
Basra natives, e.g. directs attention to a specific geographical origin, pointing towards IRAQIS. This term refers to individuals hailing from Iraq, particularly the city of Basra, showcasing the diversity of cultures and identities across the globe.
Gripping tool (6)
Gripping tool hints at a device designed for grasping or holding objects firmly, culminating in the answer PLIERS. These versatile hand tools find utility in various tasks, such as bending, cutting, or gripping wires, making them indispensable in many mechanical and DIY endeavors.
Give up (4)
Give up implies an action of surrendering or relinquishing, succinctly captured by the word QUIT. This term denotes the act of ceasing an activity or abandoning a pursuit, reflecting a decision to discontinue or withdraw from a particular endeavor.
Pulchritudinous (9)
Pulchritudinous introduces a more esoteric term, describing something of striking physical beauty. This word, BEAUTIFUL, encompasses the notion of aesthetic appeal and attractiveness, reflecting the subjective yet universally recognized quality of visual delight.
Logical consistency – cheer once (anag.) (9)
Cheer once serves as an anagram indicator, suggesting that we rearrange the letters of cheer once to form the solution. The resulting word, coherence, means logical consistency, aligning with the clue’s context.
Fertile female insect (5,3)
Delving into the world of insects, the term QUEEN BEE embodies the concept of a fertile female insect. This phrase encapsulates the central role of the queen bee in a hive, where she lays eggs and ensures the continuity of the colony’s population.
Edward or Andrew, e.g. (6)
When considering individuals such as Edward or Andrew, the term PRINCE readily comes to mind. Whether in the context of royalty or broader societal structures, princes represent male heirs to a throne or positions of authority, embodying traits of leadership and responsibility.
Nauseous (6)
The term QUEASY, fittingly consisting of six letters, describes the sensation of nausea or discomfort. It encapsulates that uneasy feeling in the stomach, often accompanied by a sense of unease or sickness.
Insect larva (4)
GRUB represents a common stage in the life cycle of many insects. This four-letter term denotes the larval stage, highlighting the early developmental phase of insects before they metamorphose into their adult forms.
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