LA Times Crossword Clues and Answers For April 10, 2024

LA Times Crossword Clues

The LA Times crossword puzzle has brought many clues for April 10, 2024. Try to solve the clues and if you don’t get the answers, check the answers and their explanation in the article.

The LA Times Crossword Puzzle is a challenging puzzle where you will see many clues, and each clue will direct you toward an answer. The clues will need little thinking, and once you crack the clues, you can get the answer.

Believe in yourself and take this challenge for some fun and entertainment. Try it by yourself or with your friends and family. Solve the puzzle and if you dont get the answer, check below.

__ admiral

Answer: REAR

The answer “Rear” matches the naval term “Rear Admiral”. A “Rear Admiral” is a senior flag rank naval officer, who is senior to a Commodore and a Vice-Admiral.

Air Force Two exec

Answer: VEEP

The answer “Veep” in the context of the clue “Air Force Two exec” suggests that the vice president of the United States is the one traveling on Air Force Two. The vice president is often referred to informally as the “Veep”

Already informed

Answer: AWARE

The clue “Already Informed” indicates that you already know something. So the answer is “Aware”, which means you already know or are conscious of something.


Answer: NAME

The clue “Appoint” refers to choosing or appointing someone to a role or job. The answer “Name” fits this clue because it can be used to mean both the giving of a title or assignment. ‘Name’ goes well with  the clue.

Backsplash piece

Answer: TILE

The term “backsplash piece” usually refers to the tiles used to make up the backsplash in your kitchen or bathroom. So, the answer to “backsplash piece” is “Tile”.

Bad spelling?

Answer: HEX

The clue “Bad Spelling?” indicates that the answer is related to incorrect or misinformed spellings. “Hex”  is a term that is often associated with bad luck or magic in folklore and literature.

Balancing pro

Answer: CPA

The answer “CPA” means “Certified Public Accountant.” A CPA is an accountant, auditor, tax auditor, and financial planner. They’re experts in balancing financial records, making sure they’re accurate, and giving financial advice to people, businesses, and companies. The clue “Balancing Pro” perfectly describes what a CPA does for their clients or employers to keep their financials in balance.

Big name in big screens

Answer: IMAX

IMAX is one of the most recognizable names in the world of big-screen cinema. With its huge screens and high-definition images, IMAX provides an unparalleled movie-going experience, making it one of the biggest names in big-screen movies.

Big picture

Answer: EPIC

The clue “Big Picture” refers to something big, large, or important. The answer “Epic” refers to a story or an event that is huge in scale, usually involving heroic feats, quests, or dramatic occurrences. An epic is a large-scale narrative that spans time and space and involves multiple characters and locations.

Bit of quick inspiration?

Answer: GASP

The answer “Gasp” to the clue “Bit of Quick Inspiration” is based on the fact that a sudden breath is often described as a “gasp.” When a person is surprised, shocked, or becomes aware of something, they may involuntarily take a deep breath.

Bread brushed with ghee

Answer: NAAN

Naan is a type of Indian bread that is often brushed with ghee. Brushing with ghee before or after baking of naan adds flavor and creates a soft moist texture which tastes delicious.

Bread machines?

Answer: ATMS

The answer to the clue “Bread Machines” could be “ATMs”. An ATM is used to withdraw money. Just like a bread machine makes bread automatically, an ATM dispenses cash automatically.

Bring out in the open

Answer: AIR

The clue “Bring out in open” refers to bringing something into the open or exposing it to the air. The answer “Air” fits this description because air surrounds us. In addition, “airing out” is a common phrase that refers to exposing something to fresh air.

“Can’t believe it’s been that long!”


The answer “Time Flies” fits this idea because it conveys the idea that time flies swiftly. It conveys amazement at how fast it has passed.

Chosen few

Answer: ELITE

The clue “Chosen Few” refers to a group of people that have been chosen out of a larger group for their special qualities or traits. The word “ELITE” is a perfect match for this clue because it refers to a group that is considered to be superior or exceptional in a certain way.


Answer: TYPES

The clue “Classifies” refers to the idea of classifying or sorting things. The answer “Types” is in line with this clue because it refers to the act of sorting or classifying things according to their properties or characteristics.

Côte d’Ivoire head

Answer: TETE

The Republic of Côte d’Ivoire is located in West Africa on Gulf of Guinea. The country is referred in English as “the Ivory Coast”. The official language of the country is French.

Côte d’Ivoire pal

Answer: AMIE

The Republic of Côte d’Ivoire is located in West Africa on Gulf of Guinea. The country is referred in English as “the Ivory Coast”. The official language of the country is French.

Creative sparks

Answer: IDEAS

The term “Creative Sparks” is often used to describe moments of inspiration, or ideas that trigger creativity. Hence, the answer “Ideas” matches the clue perfectly. Ideas are the driving force behind creative endeavors, inspiring creativity and innovation.

“Disturbia” singer, familiarly

Answer: RIRI

The clue “Disturbia singer familiar” is based on the singer Rihanna. Rihanna is also known as “Riri”. Rihanna released a song called ‘Disturbia’ in 2008, which is the source of the clue.

Does some kindergarten math

Answer: ADDS

The clue “does some kindergarten math” refers to one of the  basic arithmetic operations that are taught in kindergarten known as addition (adds).

Dukes it out in practice

Answer: SPARS

The answer “Spars” matches the definition “dukes in practice” because “sparring” is a term used to describe the practice of combat or combat techniques in martial arts or in sports like boxing.

End to end?

Answer: LENGTH

The clue “end to end” indicates a measurement that covers the entire length of something, and “length” matches this description. Length usually measures from one end of something to the other, covering its entire length. Therefore, the correct answer is “length.”

Existential dread

Answer: ANGST

The clue “existential dread” is often used to describe a deep sense of dread or fear about the emptiness or lack of meaning in life. “Angst” is a term that many people use to describe this kind of intense existential dread or fear. Therefore, the correct answer that fits this clue is “Angst.”

Factions in “West Side Story”

Answer: GANGS

The answer “Gangs” is the correct answer to the clue “factions in west side side story”. The two main factions in the musical “West Side Story” are the “Jets” and “Sharks”. Both groups can be classified as gangs.

Far from skilled

Answer: INEPT

The clue “far from skilled” indicates a lack of skill or ability in a specific field. The answer “Inept” is an adjective meaning “lack of skill or ability” which matches the description of the clue.

Finger __

Answer: LAKES

The term “Finger Lakes” refers to long, narrow lakes located in the state of New York, United States.

Friendly signoff


The clue “friendly signoff” refers to a friendly and warm way to end a communication. The phrase “Kind regards” is often used in email, letters, and other written communications as a signoff that is friendly and polite. Therefore, the correct answer that matches the clue is “Kind regards.”


Answer: ANGER

It an expression which states that someone is feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.

Gone but not forgotten

Answer: AWOL

AWOL stands for “Absent without leave”. It is a military word that describes a situation where a member of the armed forces is absent from their duty without permission.

Got it, daddy-o

Answer: I DIG

Daddy-o” and “I dig” are slang terms that originated in the 20th century and is associated with the Beat Generation and the jazz from the 1950s and 1960s.

Guide for the Magi

Answer: STAR

“Magi” is the plural of the Latin word “magus”, a term used for someone who can read stars. It is used with reference to the “wise men from the East” who follows star and visited Jesus after he was born.


Answer: SHAM

HOAX means to trick someone into believing or accepting something as genuine or false. It is a humorous or malicious deception.

ID-issuing org.

Answer: SSA

SSA stands for Social Security Administration (SSA). It issues Social Security numbers (SSNs) to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and eligible nonimmigrant workers.

In a sec, quaintly

Answer: ANON

“Anon” means “at once” and is evolved into “soon” because the word was misused over time.

Like a conversation covering many topics


“Wide-ranging” describes a conversation that covers a broad range of topics covering diverse subjects or themes.

Like music with traditional harmony

Answer: TONAL

“Tonal” is used to describe music that is based on tonality characterized by a hierarchical relationship between pitches and a central key.

Lion of Narnia

Answer: ASLAN

In the C. S. Lewis book “The Chronicles of Narnia”, Aslan is the lion character (as in the title “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”). “Aslan” is the Turkish word for “lion”.

Look happy

Answer: SMILE

It is an expression that shows that someone is happy and joyful. It means something positive or good has happened and this has made the person smile.

Lt.’s underling

Answer: SGT

In military organizations, “Lt.” refers to a Lieutenant, an officer ranked above Sergeant and below Captain. “SGT” refers to a Sergeant, a non-commissioned officer rank below Lieutenant.

Meal that features a retelling of the story of Exodus

Answer: SEDER

The Passover Seder is a ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish Passover holiday to celebrate the liberation of Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

Message in a drafts folder

Answer: EMAIL

Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of sending and receiving messages using electronic devices. It is a widely used communication medium and is often treated as a necessary part of many processes in business, commerce, government, education, entertainment, etc.

Nation between China and India

Answer: NEPAL

Nepal the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a country in South Asia. It is situated in the Himalayas and includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain.

Naughty and nice

Answer: LISTS

The “naughty and nice lists” is a traditional concept associated with the holiday season, Christmas. According to folklore, Santa Claus keeps track of the behaviour of children and categorizes them as “naughty” or “nice” based on their actions.

N.H. summer hrs.

Answer: EDT

The US state of New Hampshire got its name from former British colony Province of New Hampshire. In turn, the colony was named by Captain John Mason for the English county of Hampshire.

Norms on the links

Answer: PARS

The oldest type of golf course is the links course. The word “links” comes from the OldEnglish word “hlinc” meaning “rising ground”. “Hlinc” describes areas with coastal sand dunes or open parkland.

“Now I get it!”

Answer: AHA!

It means that the person has understood what was said to it. It is an expression that means to understand a particular statement or sentence.

One of a D.C. 100

Answer: SEN

The US Senate includes 100 senators, with each of the fifty states being represented by two elected senators. US senators were appointed by their state legislators from 1798 through 1913, until the Seventeenth Amendment called for elections.


Answer: VIEW

It means to give an advice or point of view for any matter to take decision. The opinion can in favour or against a matter.

Organ part

Answer: PIPE

The organ found in churches, synagogues and concert halls is a pipe organ. Sound is produced by pressurized air driving through pipes selected by keys on a keyboard.

Org. that says no to some drugs

Answer: FDA

FDA stand for The United States Food and Drug Administration. It is a federal agency of the Department of Health and Human Services responsible for ensuring safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs and biological products.

Paint finish

Answer: SATIN

A “satin” paint finish is a type of paint finish that has a velvety, smooth and slight sheen apperance. They are chosen for their ability to create a balance between matte and glossy finishes.


Answer: REMIT

It means to make some payment. It can be paying rent, debt, interest or anything that was due and needed to be paid.

Personalize a trophy, say

Answer: ETCH

To personalize a trophy use the method of etching. It involves using a sharp tool or acid to make a design, text, or pattern on the surface of the trophy.

Piper Cubs, e.g.

Answer: PLANES

“Piper Cub” is used for light aircraft that were built in the 1930s and 1940s from the Piper J-3 Cub design. The Cub was amde in high volume and at affordable price. It is a two-seater plane.

Place to build

Answer: SITE

It an area or ground where a town, building, or monument is constructed. It is a construction place where workers work to build a building.

Place to eat while on the go


“Dining car” refers to a moving vehicle where passengers eat meals while traveling. It’s a good option for those who want to enjoy meals on the go and can dine without stopping their journey.

Poet who was guided through paradise by Beatrice

Answer: DANTE

Dante Alighieri baptized as Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri and referred to as Dante was an Italian poet, writer, and philosopher.

Pre-Easter time

Answer: LENT

In Latin, the Christian season called “Lent” was termed “quadragesima” referring to the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert before beginning his public ministry.

Pub orders

Answer: ALES

Different styles of beer are generally divided into two groups: ales and lagers. Ales are fermented at warm temperatures for short periods of time, and use fermenting yeasts.

Ruminates bitterly

Answer: STEWS

Ruminants are animals that “chew the cud”. They eat vegetables but cannot extract nutritional value from cellulose without the help of microbes in the gut.

Run-of-the-mill, or what can be found in the answers to the starred clues?


On the other side of the pond, something ordinary can be described as “common or garden”, a phrase used since the 17th century.

Salinger heroine

Answer: ESME

J. D. Salinger wrote a story called “For Esmé – with Love and Squalor” originally published in “The New Yorker” in 1950. It is a story about a young girl called Esme and an American soldier set in WWII.

Saucy dance?

Answer: SALSA

“Salsa” is the Spanish word for “sauce”. It is used to make noodles, pizza, etc in many cuisines. It makes the food more delicious and is mostly made from fruits and vegetables.

Seasoning meas.

Answer: TSP

“TSP” stands for teaspoon, a unit of measurement used in cooking to measure both liquid and dry ingredients such as seasonings and spices.

Singer-songwriter Mann

Answer: AIMEE

Aimee Elizabeth Mann is an American singer-songwriter who has released albums as a solo artist and with other musicians.

Sky supporter of myth

Answer: ATLAS

In Greek mythology Atlas was one of the Titans who supported the heavens on his shoulders and crouched on the Atlas Mountains in Greece.

Social finesse

Answer: TACT

Tact refers to the skill in dealing with others in difficult situations. It is allowing individuals to carry on conversations smoothly, avoiding offense and handling tense situations.

Splashy arrival


The word “GRAND ENTRANCE” means welcoming someone with lots of decoration in a dramatic or majestic way. It is done to honor or welcome someone out of respect and happiness.

“Such a shame”

Answer:  SO SAD

It means that something bad has happened or something bad has been done by someone which affected its reputation. It can be a wrong act, known or unknown mistake.

Synthetic drug similar to psilocybin

Answer: LSD

Psilocybin is a compound found in fungi that converts to psychedelic (psilocin) when metabolized. This results in mind-changing effects similar to those produced by mescaline and LSD.

“The Twelve Days of Christmas” half-dozen

Answer: GEESE

The Christmas carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is from the 1780 when it was first published in England. The concept of twelve days of Christmas comes from the three kings who came to visit the Christ Child twelve days after he was born.


Answer: DRAW

The word Draw is used mostly in games. It means none of the player/team in the game has won. Both the teams/players have got the same points, there is no loser and no winner.

“To be,” in Spanish

Answer: SER

Ser is a Spanish word which means “to be.” It is used to describe qualities, identities, and characteristics such as time, origin and nationality.

Triglyceride, for one

Answer: LIPID

Lipids are naturally occurring molecules such as fats, waxes and fat-soluble vitamins (like A, D and E). Sometimes the words “fat” and “lipid” are used but fats are subgroup of lipids.

Watch and wineglass features

Answer: STEMS

The stem of a watch is the shaft that comes out from the body and is used to wind the mechanism. Prior to stem watches, the timepieces were wound up using a key.

Webb designer?

Answer: NASA

The term “Webb designer NASA” refers to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a space telescope developed by NASA with contributions from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).


Answer: SNIVEL

“Whine” and “snivel” refer to some kind of complaining sounds, but with different connotations. It can describes behaviors that are irritating or overly emotional.

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