Solved Clues for Today’s Irish Daily Mail Mailword April 10, 2024

Today’s Irish Daily Mail Mailword

This article has all the clues and solutions for today’s crossword puzzle which improves your puzzle solving skills.

Hello everyone! We are here with another Daily Mail Mailword Crossword clue to brighten your day. If you need help filling your crossword grid, check the solutions here. Solving puzzles helps puzzle lovers expand their skills. Match the clue with the correct answer to fill your grid.Let’s start.

Nearby (5)


Nearby – This clue directs attention to a term indicating proximity or closeness in distance. The answer is READY, which may signify being prepared or in a state of readiness, often implying that something is close or nearby in terms of availability or completion.

Unconscious state (4)


Unconscious state – This clue refers to a condition in which an individual is unaware of their surroundings and unable to respond to stimuli. The answer is COMA, representing a deep state of unconsciousness typically caused by injury, illness, or medical intervention.

Footnote abbreviation (4)

ET AL    

Footnote abbreviation – This clue prompts the solver to think of a shortened form often used in academic or scholarly writing to denote multiple authors cited in a publication. The answer is ET AL, which is Latin for “and others,” commonly used in footnotes to indicate additional authors beyond the ones listed.

Bucolic (5)


Bucolic – This clue directs attention to a term describing a rural or pastoral setting, often associated with the simplicity and tranquility of countryside life. The answer is CLOWN, which seems to be a misdirection. A possible answer could be RURAL, which fits the description of a bucolic environment.

Fur (4)


Fur – This clue suggests a term referring to the soft, dense covering of hair or fur that grows on the skin of animals. The answer is PILE, which may refer to a thick, fluffy layer of fur, particularly on certain animals such as sheep or bears.

Manufactured (4)


Manufactured: This clue prompts us to find a word meaning produced or created. The answer is WOVE, indicating the process of weaving fabric or creating something through intricate interlacing of threads or materials.

Regardless of price or effort (2,3,5)


Regardless of price or effort: This phrase suggests a determination to achieve something without considering cost or difficulty. The answer is AT ALL COSTS, emphasizing a commitment to pursuing a goal without any limitations, regardless of the expenses or challenges involved.

South Pacific boat (4)


South Pacific boat: Here, we’re asked to identify a type of watercraft commonly found in the South Pacific region. The answer is PRAU, referring to a traditional sailing boat with a flat bottom and triangular sails, often used for fishing and transportation in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific islands.

Carry (4)


Carry: This clue directs us to find a word meaning to transport or convey something. The answer is HIRE, indicating the action of hiring or engaging someone to carry out a task or provide transportation services.

Powerful car (3,3)


Powerful car: Here, we’re prompted to think of a term describing an automobile known for its high performance and speed. The answer is HOT ROD, representing a modified or customized car, typically equipped with a powerful engine and other enhancements for increased speed and performance.

Former (3)

N I S    

Former: This clue suggests a word meaning previous or no longer in existence. The answer is N I S, which is an abbreviation for NIS, meaning “no longer in service.”

Foes (7)


Foes: This word refers to enemies or adversaries engaged in conflict or opposition. The answer is BANDITS, indicating individuals or groups known for engaging in criminal activities such as robbery or theft, often viewed as enemies of law and order.

Mysteries (7)


Mysteries: Here, we’re prompted to identify a term referring to secrets or enigmatic phenomena. The answer is ORACLES, representing individuals or sources believed to possess divine knowledge or prophetic insights, often consulted for guidance or revelation in ancient cultures.

Overtrusting (4)


Overtrusting: “NAIF” describes someone who is overly trusting or naive, often lacking suspicion or skepticism towards others. A person who is naif may believe in the inherent goodness of people, making them susceptible to deception or manipulation due to their trusting nature.

Mountain ridge (5)


Mountain ridge: “ESKER” refers to a long, winding ridge of gravel and sand deposited by a glacier, typically found in regions that were once covered by ice sheets. Eskers are geological formations that serve as prominent features in landscapes, shaped by the movement and melting of glaciers during the last Ice Age.

Earthenware workers (7)


Earthenware workers: “POTTERS” are artisans who specialize in crafting objects from clay, shaping and firing them to create various forms of pottery and earthenware. Through their skilled craftsmanship and artistic vision, potters transform raw materials into functional vessels and decorative pieces that serve both utilitarian and aesthetic purposes.

Religious choral piece (5)


Religious choral piece: “MOTET” refers to a type of polyphonic vocal composition, typically religious in nature, that was popular during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Motets often feature elaborate harmonies and intricate melodies, sung by choirs in sacred settings such as churches and cathedrals as part of liturgical ceremonies.

Seldom (4)


Seldom: “RASP” describes something that occurs infrequently or rarely, suggesting a scarcity or occasional occurrence. The term “rasp” implies a rough or grating quality, evoking the idea of something that occurs with a harsh or abrasive irregularity.

Ely, e.g. (3)


Ely, e.g.: “SEE” represents the city or town of Ely, serving as an example or abbreviation for a place name with three letters. While “Ely” may refer to a specific location, the question uses it as an instance of a three-letter word, showcasing its versatility in crossword puzzles and word games.

Constantly (4)


Constantly: “EVER” signifies a state of perpetual or continuous existence or occurrence, suggesting an ongoing and unceasing nature. Whether used in expressions like “forever” or “whenever,” “ever” conveys the idea of an eternal or timeless quality, enduring throughout all time.  

Sap (5)


Sap “SHAME” refers to a feeling of embarrassment, humiliation, or regret experienced in response to one’s actions or circumstances. As an emotional response, shame can sap one’s confidence and self-esteem, leading to feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness.

Enticer (7)


Enticer: This clue suggests a person or thing that lures or attracts others. The answer is SEDUCER, indicating someone who entices or tempts others, often with charm or persuasion, to engage in romantic or illicit activities.

Behaved (5)


Behaved: Here, we’re asked to find a word describing someone’s conduct or demeanor. The answer is RUNED, suggesting behavior characterized by being marked or influenced by runes, which can signify a manner of acting or conducting oneself.

Catastrophic (4)


Catastrophic: This clue directs us to find a word describing something causing great harm or disaster. The answer is FAIN, which refers to something eagerly or gladly done, often used in archaic or poetic language to convey a sense of willingness or eagerness, but not typically associated with catastrophe.

Infectious disease (7)


Infectious disease: This phrase prompts us to identify a medical condition caused by the spread of pathogens. The answer is TYPHOID, representing a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, typically transmitted through contaminated food or water, resulting in symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal issues.

Venezuelan city (7)


Venezuelan city: Here, we’re asked to name a major urban center located in Venezuela. The answer is CARACAS, representing the capital city of Venezuela, known for its bustling streets, cultural attractions, and political significance as the seat of government and commerce in the country.

Hatchback, e.g. (3)


Hatchback, e.g: This clue suggests a type of vehicle body style. The answer is CAR, indicating a general term for automobiles, with “hatchback” being one of the various designs available, characterized by a rear door that swings upward to provide access to the cargo area.

Autocrat (6)


Autocrat: This word refers to a ruler who holds absolute power and authority. The answer is KAISER, representing the title given to the emperors of Germany during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, signifying supreme leadership and control over the state and its institutions.

Roman garment (4)


Roman garment: Here, we’re prompted to identify an item of clothing worn by ancient Romans. The answer is TOGA, representing a draped garment worn by Roman citizens, particularly during important ceremonies and public events, symbolizing their citizenship and social status.

Verbal (4)


Verbal: This clue directs us to find a word relating to speech or communication. The answer is SAID, indicating the past tense of the verb “say,” commonly used to denote verbal expression or communication of thoughts, ideas, or information.

Proportional replica (5,5)


Proportional replica: This phrase suggests a smaller version of something that accurately represents its original size and proportions. The answer is SCALE MODEL, indicating a miniature reproduction of an object or structure, often used for purposes such as testing, demonstration, or display.

Leer (4)


Leer: This word denotes a suggestive or unpleasant facial expression often associated with inappropriate or lascivious intent. The answer is LOOK, representing a glance or gaze directed in a particular way, sometimes conveying a sense of suspicion, desire, or curiosity.

African country (4)

M O G O    

African country: “MOGO” seems to be the answer given, but it doesn’t correspond to any recognized African country. It’s possible that it’s a misspelling or abbreviation of a country’s name, but without more context, it’s difficult to determine the correct answer.

Concerning (5)

AS FOR    

Concerning: “AS FOR” indicates a phrase commonly used to introduce a topic or to express relevance or connection to a particular subject. It’s a transitional phrase often employed in conversation or writing to shift focus or provide additional context.

Snug retreat (4)


Snug retreat: “NEST” refers to a cozy and sheltered place where animals, particularly birds, build and inhabit their homes. As a metaphor, “nest” can also denote a comfortable and secure refuge or resting place for humans, evoking feelings of warmth and safety.

Submachine gun (4)


Submachine gun: “BREN” is the name of a type of submachine gun developed by the United Kingdom during World War II and used extensively by British and Commonwealth forces. Compact and reliable, the Bren gun played a significant role in infantry combat during the mid-20th century.

Touchy (5)


Touchy: “ANGRY” describes a state of emotional agitation or irritation often triggered by frustration, resentment, or perceived injustice. When someone is touchy or easily provoked, they may exhibit signs of anger, such as tense body language or verbal outbursts, in response to perceived slights or provocations.

Packing case (5)


Packing case: “CRATE” refers to a sturdy container typically made of wood or plastic, used for transporting or storing goods. Whether for shipping cargo or organizing items, crates provide a durable and secure means of packaging and handling various objects.

Bedfordshire town (5)


Bedfordshire town: “LUTON” is the name of a town in Bedfordshire, England, known for its historical significance and cultural heritage. As a bustling urban center, Luton is home to diverse communities and industries, including aviation and manufacturing.

Speak in public (5)


Speak in public: “ORATE” describes the act of delivering a formal speech or address to an audience, typically in a public setting. Whether in political, academic, or ceremonial contexts, to “orate” involves speaking eloquently and persuasively to convey ideas or messages to listeners.

Massachusetts city (5)


Massachusetts city: “SALEM” refers to a city in Massachusetts with a rich history dating back to colonial times. Known for its infamous witch trials in the late 17th century, Salem is also celebrated for its maritime heritage and cultural attractions.

Unit of length (3)


Unit of length: “MIL” is an abbreviation for “millimeter,” a metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter. Used in various scientific, engineering, and industrial applications, the millimeter is a common unit of measurement for small distances and dimensions.

Most fussy (9)


Most fussy: “PRISSIEST” describes someone who is excessively concerned with propriety, correctness, or etiquette, often to the point of being overly fastidious or meticulous. When someone is described as “prissiest,” it suggests a tendency towards fussiness or perfectionism in their behavior or attitudes.

Kiln (4)


Kiln: “OVEN” is a device used for baking, roasting, or heating food by applying dry heat. In pottery and ceramics, an oven is also referred to as a kiln, used to fire clay objects at high temperatures to harden and set them.

Bishop’s headdress (5)


Bishop’s headdress: “MITRE” is a ceremonial headdress worn by bishops and other high-ranking clergy in various Christian denominations, symbolizing authority and religious office. Typically adorned with intricate designs and religious motifs, the mitre holds significant cultural and spiritual importance in ecclesiastical traditions.

Illegal fire-setting (5)


Illegal fire-setting: “ARSON” refers to the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property or buildings with malicious intent. As a serious offense punishable by law, arson poses risks to life, property, and public safety, often resulting in devastating consequences for victims and communities.

Mischievous sprite (3)


Mischievous sprite- This clue directs attention to a mythical creature known for its playful and sometimes troublesome behavior. The answer is HOB, referring to a hobgoblin or similar mischievous sprite often found in folklore and fairy tales.

Forecaster’s instrument (9)


Forecaster’s instrument – This clue prompts the solver to think of a device used to measure atmospheric pressure, commonly employed in weather forecasting. The answer is BAROMETER, representing an instrument that detects changes in air pressure and helps predict changes in weather conditions.

Object worshipper (8)


Object worshipper – This clue refers to a person who reveres or idolizes physical objects, often ascribing spiritual or religious significance to them. The answer is IDOLATER, representing someone who engages in idolatry, the worship of idols or objects as gods.

Resolutely (4,3)


Resolutely – This phrase indicates a determined or unwavering attitude or approach to something. The answer is DEAD SET, describing a firm and unyielding determination or commitment to a particular course of action or belief.

Deceive (5)


Deceive – This clue suggests a verb meaning to mislead or trick someone into believing something false. The answer is TWIST, indicating the act of distorting or manipulating information or facts to deceive others.

Line across a circle (8)


Line across a circle – This clue directs attention to a geometric term describing a straight line segment that passes through the center of a circle and connects two points on its circumference. The answer is DIAMETER, representing the measurement of the longest distance across a circle, passing through its center.  

Meant (8)


Meant – This clue refers to a past tense verb indicating intention or purpose. The answer is AMOUNTED, which may seem to be a misdirection. A more appropriate answer could be INTENDED, which fits the meaning of something meant or planned.

Orchard (5)


Orchard – This clue prompts the solver to think of a location where fruit trees are cultivated. The answer is RANCH, which seems to be a misdirection. A more suitable answer could be GROVE or APPLE, which fits the description of an orchard.

Liberated (5)


Liberated – This clue suggests a verb meaning to free or release someone or something from a constraint or restriction. The answer is STOLE, indicating the past tense of the verb “to steal,” which may seem to be a misdirection. A more appropriate answer could be FREED, which directly implies liberation.

14 Across artistic works (9)


14 Across artistic works : This clue suggests a term referring to a type of artistic expression often depicting rural or pastoral scenes. The answer is PASTORALS, indicating artistic works such as paintings, poems, or musical compositions that portray the peaceful beauty of rural life or natural landscapes.

Window variety (5)


Window variety : Here, we’re prompted to identify a type of architectural window design. The answer is ORIEL, representing a bay window that projects outward from the main walls of a building, often supported by brackets or corbels, providing additional space and allowing for increased natural light and views.

Punctuation mark (9)


Punctuation mark : This phrase directs us to find a symbol used in writing to indicate a pause or separation between clauses or items in a list. The answer is SEMICOLON, representing a punctuation mark consisting of a dot above a comma, commonly used to connect closely related independent clauses or separate items in a complex list.

Fill again (8)


Fill again : This clue suggests replenishing or refilling something that has been depleted. The answer is RECHARGE, indicating the action of restoring energy or resources, often associated with recharging batteries, electronic devices, or one’s own physical or mental stamina.

American mammal (7)


American mammal : Here, we’re asked to identify a type of mammal native to North America. The answer is RACCOON, representing a medium-sized omnivorous mammal known for its distinctive facial mask and ringed tail, often found in forests, urban areas, and near water sources.

Chatter (5)


Chatter : This word denotes a rapid and continuous series of informal or idle conversations. The answer is CHIRP, representing the high-pitched sound made by small birds or insects, often associated with cheerful or animated conversation.

Relaxes (5)


Relaxes : Here, we’re prompted to find a word describing the action of unwinding or easing tension. The answer is DRUGS, which may refer to substances that induce relaxation or alter mood, though in the context of this clue, it may suggest the use of such substances for relaxation.

Racecourse (5)


Racecourse : This clue directs us to identify a location where organized races are held. The answer is FIELD, indicating a wide open space or track used for various types of races, such as horse racing, track and field events, or athletic competitions.

Expiate (5)


Expiate : This word denotes the act of atoning for wrongdoing or making amends for a transgression. The answer is AMEND, representing the process of making changes or improvements to rectify a mistake or repair a damaged situation.

Ciphers (5)


Ciphers : Here, we’re asked to find a term referring to coded symbols or characters used in secret communication. The answer is SIGNS, which may represent symbols, gestures, or visual representations used to convey information or meaning, often in a coded or symbolic manner.

Representative (5)


Representative : “MOVER” indicates someone who acts on behalf of others or serves as a delegate, representing their interests or viewpoints. Whether in politics, business, or other fields, a “mover” is someone who takes action and initiates change, influencing outcomes and decisions.

Saline (5)


Saline : “OCEAN” refers to a vast body of saltwater that covers a significant portion of the Earth’s surface, representing one of the largest and most essential features of the planet. As a saline environment, the ocean is characterized by its high concentration of dissolved salts, supporting diverse ecosystems and playing a crucial role in regulating global climate and weather patterns.

Attendant (4)


Attendant : “HELP” denotes someone who provides assistance or support to others in need, whether it’s offering guidance, aid, or service. As attendants, individuals who “help” fulfill various roles in caregiving, customer service, and hospitality, ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of those they serve.

Tennis call (3)


Tennis call : “NET” represents both a physical object and a call made during a tennis match when the ball lands within the boundaries of the net, resulting in a point for the opposing player. As a crucial element of the game, the “net” serves as a barrier and scoring mechanism, defining the boundaries of play and determining the outcome of each rally.

Small rug (3)


Small rug : “MAT” describes a small piece of fabric or material used as a covering for a floor, often placed in specific areas such as doorways, entry halls, or bathroom floors. As a decorative and functional element in interior design, a “mat” adds warmth, comfort, and aesthetic appeal to living spaces.

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