We’ve got a new crossword puzzle from Mirror Quick. Let’s learn how to solve it and find the answers together.
A crossword puzzle is a game where you fill in boxes with letters to make words. You get clues to help you figure out the words. The Mirror Quick crossword is a famous one from the Mirror newspaper. It’s short and simple, meant for everyone to have fun solving it easily.
Feeble (4)
Answer: LAME
“Feeble” describes something that is weak or lacking strength. In this context, “lame” is a synonym for feeble, typically used to describe something or someone who is physically impaired or ineffective
House part (4)
Answer: ROOF
A “house part” refers to a component or section of a building. The “roof” is the uppermost covering of a building, providing shelter and protection from the elements.
Rescue (4)
Answer: SAVE
To “rescue” means to save someone or something from harm, danger, or a difficult situation. “Save” is a synonymous term, indicating the action of preserving or safeguarding someone or something from harm.
Employer (4)
Answer: USER
An “employer” is someone who hires and pays employees to work for them. However, in this context, “user” is not an appropriate synonym for “employer.” It seems there might be a mistake or ambiguity in the crossword question.
Silly (4)
Answer: DAFT
“Silly” is a term used to describe something or someone foolish or lacking in sense. “Daft” is a synonym for silly, often used to characterize behavior or actions that are irrational or nonsensical.
Irish county (7)
An “Irish county” refers to one of the administrative divisions in Ireland. Donegal is one such county located in the northwest of Ireland, known for its stunning landscapes and rugged coastline.
Decay (3)
Answer: ROT
“Decay” refers to the process of deterioration or decomposition, often due to the action of bacteria or fungi. “Rot” is a synonym for decay, describing the breakdown or decomposition of organic matter.
Horseman (5)
Answer: RIDER
A “horseman” is someone who rides or is skilled in handling horses. A “rider” is a person who is mounted on a horse or other animal, controlling its movement. Thus, a rider is synonymous with a horseman.
Entire range (5)
Answer: GAMUT
“Entire range” refers to the complete spectrum or extent of something. In music, the “gamut” represents the entire range of notes or tones within a musical scale, from the lowest to the highest.
Documents (5)
Answer: DEEDS
“Documents” typically refer to written records or legal papers that provide evidence or proof of something. “Deeds” specifically refer to legal documents that transfer ownership of property or rights from one person to another.
Festive hymn (5)
Answer: CAROL
A “festive hymn” is a song, typically religious in nature, sung during festive occasions such as Christmas. A “carol” specifically refers to a festive hymn or song associated with the Christmas season.
For every (3)
Answer: PER
“For every” indicates a rate or ratio, implying something occurring in relation to each individual item or instance. “Per” is a preposition commonly used to denote a rate or proportion, often used in expressions like “miles per hour” or “cost per item.”
Unaltered (7)
“Unaltered” means not changed or modified from its original state. “Natural” is a suitable synonym for unaltered, describing something that exists or occurs in nature without artificial influence or alteration.
Roasting rod (4)
Answer: SPIT
A “roasting rod” is a long, pointed metal rod used for cooking meat over an open flame or fire. “Spit” specifically refers to this roasting rod, commonly used in rotisserie cooking.
Fable (4)
Answer: TALE
A “fable” is a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral lesson. “Tale” is a synonym for fable, describing a narrative or story, often with elements of fiction or folklore.
Corrosive substance (4)
Answer: ACID
A “corrosive substance” is a material capable of causing corrosion or erosion by chemical action. “Acid” is a specific type of corrosive substance, known for its ability to react with and dissolve other materials.
Tie (4)
Answer: DRAW
In the context of competition or games, a “tie” refers to a situation where the scores or results of two or more participants are equal. “Draw” is another term for a tie, indicating that neither side has won the contest.
Dull (4)
Answer: FLAT
“Dull” describes something lacking in brightness, sharpness, or excitement. “Flat” is a synonym for dull, often used to describe something lacking in depth, interest, or variation.
Noisy (4)
Answer: LOUD
“Noisy” refers to something that produces a lot of sound or is filled with loud sounds. “Loud” is synonymous with noisy, describing a high volume or intensity of sound.
Manner (4)
Answer: MIEN
“Manner” refers to the way in which something is done or how someone behaves. “Mien” is a synonym for manner, specifically referring to a person’s demeanor or appearance that reflects their character or mood.
Echolocation (5)
Answer: RADAR
“Echolocation” is the ability of animals to locate objects by emitting sound waves and interpreting the echoes that bounce back. “Radar” is a technological system that uses radio waves to detect and locate objects, often employed in aviation, meteorology, and navigation, functioning similarly to the echolocation ability of animals.
Umpire (3)
Answer: REF
An “umpire” is an official who ensures that the rules of a game or sport are followed and makes decisions on disputed plays. “Ref” is an abbreviated form of “referee,” which is another term for an umpire in various sports such as football, basketball, or tennis
Datum (4)
Answer: FACT
“Datum” is a singular form of “data,” referring to a single piece of information or a single point of reference. “Fact” is synonymous with datum, representing a piece of information that is known to be true or verified.
Acceptable (5)
Answer: VALID
Acceptable” describes something that meets the required standards or criteria. “Valid” is a synonym for acceptable, indicating that something is logically or legally sound and therefore acceptable or recognized.
Consolation (6)
Answer: SOLACE
Consolation” refers to comfort or relief provided to someone who is experiencing disappointment or sadness. “Solace” is a synonym for consolation, indicating comfort or relief in times of distress or sorrow.
Happen again (5)
Answer: RECURE
“Happen again” suggests a recurrence or repetition of an event or situation. “Recure” means to occur again or to happen repeatedly, reflecting the idea of something happening anew or recurring.
Large shrub (4)
Answer: TREE
A “large shrub” is a plant that is taller and more woody than a typical shrub but not as tall as a tree. However, “tree” itself is the correct answer, representing a large perennial woody plant with a single main trunk and branches
Trauma (6)
Answer: ORDEAL
“Trauma” refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can cause emotional or psychological harm. An “ordeal” is a challenging or difficult experience that tests someone’s endurance or resilience, often causing distress or hardship, similar to the effects of trauma.
First performance (5)
Answer: DEBUT
The “first performance” refers to the initial public presentation or appearance of something, such as a play, musical composition, or an actor’s role. “Debut” specifically denotes the first public performance or appearance of a person, group, or thing, typically in the context of entertainment or sports.
Planet (4)
Answer: MARS
A “planet” is a celestial body that orbits a star, is spherical in shape due to gravity, and has cleared its orbit of other debris. “Mars” is the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system, known for its reddish appearance and often referred to as the “Red Planet.”
Gin mixer (5)
Answer: TONIC
A “gin mixer” refers to a liquid, typically non-alcoholic, that is mixed with gin to create a refreshing beverage. “Tonic” is a common mixer for gin, known as “gin and tonic,” consisting of gin mixed with tonic water, often garnished with lime or lemon
Dead language (5)
Answer: LATIN
A “dead language” refers to a language that is no longer spoken as a native language by any community. “Latin” is a classic example of a dead language, once widely used in ancient Rome and the medieval Catholic Church, now primarily used in scholarly and ceremonial contexts.
Trudge (4)
Answer: PLOD
“Trudge” describes the action of walking slowly and heavily, often with great effort. “Plod” is synonymous with trudge, indicating a slow and laborious movement, typically over a long distance or through difficult terrain.
Track (4)
Answer: RAIL
“Track” typically refers to a path or course along which something moves or is guided. In this context, “rail” specifically denotes a track made of metal bars on which trains run, commonly used in railways for transportation.
Departed (4)
Answer: LEFT
“Departed” refers to someone who has left or gone away from a particular place. “Left” is synonymous with departed, indicating the action of moving away from a location or leaving a situation.
Animal’s foot (3)
Answer: PAW
An “animal’s foot” is the lower part of an animal’s leg that touches the ground and provides support and locomotion. A “paw” specifically refers to the foot of a mammal, often with claws or pads, used for walking, running, and other activities.
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